- Pogodaka: 984
23. decembar 2019.
Novogodišnji koncert ispred Doma Narodne skupštine
Grad Beograd nastavlja sa tradicijom organizovanja novogodišnjih koncerata na otvorenom, za sve svoje stanovnike i turiste koji žele da novogodišnju noć dočekaju slušajući regionalne muzičke zvezde koje nastupaju na velikoj bini ispred otmene zgrade Doma Narodne skupštine Srbije, na trgu Nikole Pašića, u samom centru grada.
Koncerti će trajati dva dana. Prvo će se 30. decembra, od 20 časova, pred publikom pojaviti trep, hip-hop, dens i pop zvezde (Vuk Mob, Angelina, Gazda Paja, Sara Jo, Mili, Senidah, Cobi, Rasta, MC Stojan) i nastupaće sve do 2 časa po ponoći. U novogodišnjoj noći fanove će zabavljati folk zvezde Maja Berović i Lepa Brena, nakon čega će nastupiti srpski pop bend "Kiki i Piloti".
December 17, 2019
"Ruski car" ponovo radi
December 15, 2019
Ice rink at Republic Square
From December 20 thru February 15 all you guys who visit Belgrade for the winter holidays will have a chance to enjoy ice skating in a wonderful surroundings of the central city square, in front of the National Museum and around the monument to Knez Mihailo.
December 13, 2019
Open exhibition at Belgrade Fortress
All you guys walking down the promenade of Kalemegdan Park at Belgrade Fortress this winter have a chance to see a display of 27 panels depicting Belgrade seen and described by some of the most prominent European literary figures in an exposition called "Beacon of the East - Belgrade in the work of European Artists".
December 10, 2019
Coca-Cola New Year's District at Topličin Venac
Belgrade Winter festival supported by Coca-Cola is placed this year at newly reconstructed Topličin Venac district. The program is abundant, with music concerts every night and lots of other activities all day long until January 8, 2020.
September 21, 2019
Marina Abramović - "The Cleaner"
Conceived in a close collaboration with the artist, the exhibition “The Cleaner” is the first major European retrospective of Marina Abramović. It chronologically reviews all the phases of the artist’s fifty-year career, from the works of the early 1960s to those of the present day. It contains over 120 artworks, including paintings, drawings, objects, photographs, sound works, video, films, scenography and archival materials. Among the works exhibited are the anthological works of performance art (Rhythms, 1973–1974; Lips of Thomas, 1975; Relational works, 1976–1977; Nightsea Crossing, 1982–1986), as well as representative works from Abramović’s recent body of work (Balkan Baroque, 1997; The House with the Ocean View, 2002; Artist Is Present, 2010).
The exhibition is on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art until January 20, 2020.