Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Index of places

Index of places and landmarks

All the landmarks, streets, squares, churches and places described on this site in one place. If you have trouble founding the content, here is everything that we posted on this web-site, in relation to architecture and places of interest for sightseeing. The lists, within segments, are structured in alphabetical order. 

 Serbian-Orthodox Churches & other religious objects 
Main urban Districts and Squares
Principal city streets
Parks and Green spaces
Buildings & Structures



Serbian-Orthodox Churches

Cathedral Church of St. Michael (ser. "Saborna Crkva")
Church Ružica
Church of St. Alexander Nevsky
Church of St. Petka
Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Monastery Vavedenje
St. Mark's Church
St. Sava's Church
Vaznesenjska Church

Other Religions

(read the article "Meeting point of three religions", mentioning the Roman-Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King, the Russian-Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, the Bajrakli Mosque and the Sukkat Shalom Sinagogue)

Belgrade's main districts and squares

Andrićev Venac
• Flower Square
Kosančićev Venac
London Square
New Belgrade
Nikola Pašić Square
Obilićev Venac
Politika Tower and Square
Republic Square
Savamala and Belgrade Waterfront
Savski square and monument to Stefan Nemanja
Slavija Square
Students' Square and Park
Topličin Venac
Vračar (St. Sava's) Plateau
Zeleni Venac District & Farmers' Market

Belgrade's central streets

Balkanska (Balkan street) 
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra ("King Alexander blvd.")
Gospodar Jevremova
Knez Mihailova
Kralja Milana
Kraljice Natalije
Kneza Miloša
Kralja Petra ("King Peter's")
Krunska ("Crown")

Belgrade Parks and Green Spaces

Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park
Bothanical Garden "Jevremovac"
Cyril and Methodius Park
Gavrilo Princip Park
Milutin Milanković Park
Tašmajdan Park
Park "Manjež"
Pioneers' Park
Topčider Park
Ušće Park complex

Buildings & Structures



Building of the 3rd Belgrade Gymnasium • 1906 • Academism, Classical • in Njegoševa st.

Building at 10, Krunska st. • Serbo-Byzantine, Modern

Building at 38, Krunska st.

Buildings at 41-43 Karadjordjeva street • 1923-1925 • Academism • at Savamala

Building at 52, Prote Mateje st. • 1912 • Academism, Secession

Building at 90, Krunska st.


Airport City • 2006-2009 • Modern • in New Belgrade

Old Assicurazioni Generali Building • 1930 • Academism • at Terazije

Avakumović House • 1923 • Russian Empire Style • in Knez Mihailova st.


B2 Smart Building • 2005-2008 • Modern • at Terazije, Balkanska street

Barracks of the 7th Army Regiment • 1901 • Academism • in Nemanjina street

Belgrade Palace skyscraper (ser. "Beogradjanka") • 1974 • Modern • near Flower Square

Belgrade Cooperative Building • 1907 • Academism, Secession • at Savamala

Bezistan • 1950's

Old Bank of Smederevo Building • 1912 • Secession • at Terazije

Brazilian Embassy

Buildings in Block 23 • 1974 • Brutalism • in New Belgrade


Captain Miša's Edifice • 1863 • Serbo-Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance • at Students' Square

Czech Embassy • 1926 • Neoclassicism, Czech Cubism • at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

City Library • 1867 • Renaissance • in Knez Mihailova st.

Clock Tower and Gate (ser. "Sahat Kula", "Sahat Kapija") // at Belgrade Fortress

Building of the Old Commercial Bank • 1914 • Secession • in Knez Mihailova st.

Old Commercial Academy • 1926 • Serbo-Byzantine • in Svetogorska street

Old Craftsmen Association (now Radio Belgrade) • 1933 • Art Deco • at Politika Square

Crvenčanin House • 1887 • Academism • in Kralja Petra street

"Cvijeta Zuzorić" Art Pavilion • 1928 • Art Deco • at Begrade Fortress


Dimitrijević House • 1928 • Academism • in Kneza Miloša street (London Square)

Dimitrije Krsmanović Family House • 1899 • Academism • at Kosančićev Venac

Djura Jakšić house and monument


Endowment of Nikola Spasić // in Knez Mihailova st.

Old Export Bank Building • 1923 • Academism, Secession • at Terazije


Faculty of Philology • 1922 • Academism • at Students' Square

Faculty of Technical Sciences • 1931 • Academism • at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

Faculty of Law • 1938 • pre-WWII Modernism • at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

First Danubian Steamboat Society building • 1925 • Early Modern • at Gospodar Jevremova street

First Town Hospital • 1868 • Gothic

Fountain "Girl with a Jug" // at Pioneers Park

Fountain // at Nikola Pašić sq.

Fountain // at Slavija Square

Fountain • 1860 • at Terazije

Fountain "The Rooster" // at Topličin Venac


Old Generalstaff • 1928 • Academism • in Kneza Miloša street

Genex Tower (Western City Gate) • 1980 • Brutalism • in New Belgrade


Historical Museum of Serbia • 1934 • Art Deco • at Nikola Pašić sq.

Home of High-School Students "Jelica Milovanović" • 1912 • Serbo-Byzantine • at Krunska st.

Hotel "Amsterdam" // at Zeleni Venac

Hotel "Courtyard Belgrade City Center" by Marriott // at Republic Square

Hotel "Crowne Plaza" • 1979 • Modern • in New Belgrade

Hotel "Hilton" • 2018 • Modern • near Slavija Square

Hotel "Mark" // in Resavska street

Hotel "Metropol Palace" • 1957 • Modern • in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

Hotel "Moskva" • 1908 • Secession • at Terazije

Hotel "New Public House" • 1930 • Academism • in Kneza Miloša street

House of Nikodije and Marika Bogdanović • 1933 • Neobaroque • at Vračar (St. Sava's) Plateau

Hotel "Palace" • 1923 • at Topličin Venac

Hotel "Prag"

House of Aron Levi • 1907 • Secession • in Kralja Petra street

House of Mihailo Petrović aka "Alas" • 1910 • Secession • at Kosančićev Venac

House of Milan Pavlović • 1912 • Secession • at Topličin Venac

House of Milorad Pavlović • 1884 • Academism • in Kralja Petra street

House of Nikolić Brothers • 1914 • Serbo-Byzantine, Secession • at Flower Square

House of the Press • 1961 • Corbusian • at Republic Square

House of Vuk's Foundation • 1871 • Serbo-Byzantine • in Kralja Milana street


Iguman's Palace • 1938 • Serbo-Byzantine, Modern • at Terazije


Old Jadransko-Podunavska Bank • 1924 • Academism • London Square

Jevrem Grujić House Museum • 1896 • Academism • in Svetogorska street

Jovan Cvijić Museum • 1905 • Academism • at Kopitareva Gradina

Jovan Smederevac House • 1901 • Academism, Secession • at Politika Square


Kapetan Mišino Zdanje (eng. "Captain Miša's Edifice") • 1863 • Serbo-Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance • at Students' Square

Kafana "?" (eng. "Tavern ?") • 1823 • Balkan profane style • in Kralja Petra st.

King Peter Elementary School • 1906 • Academism • in Kralja Petra street

Kolarac People's University • 1932 • Academism • at Students' Square

Konak Kneginje Ljubice (eng. "Princess Ljubica's Residence") • 1830 • Balkan Profane style • at Kosančićev Venac

Konak Kneza Miloša (eng. "Prince Miloš' Residence") • 1831 • Oriental, Neoclassicism • in Topčider Park

Konstantinović House • 1927 • Serbo-Byzantine • in Kralja Milana st.

Krsmanović House • 1885 • 19th Century Academism • at Terazije


Main Post Office • 1938 • Modern, Monumentalism • near Nikola Pašić sq.

Old Main Railway Station • 1884 • Academism • Savski Trg

Manak's House • 1830 • Serbian Traditional • at Savamala

Marinković Palace • 1936 • Neoclassicism • at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

Mathematical Grammar School • 1929 • Modern • in Kraljice Natalije st.

Old Ministry of Justice Building • 1883 • Neorenaissance • at Terazije

Military Museum (ser. "Vojni Muzej") • 1924 • at Belgrade Fortress

Millennium Tower (ser. "Kula Gardoš") • 1896 • in Zemun

Ministry of Finance • 1889 (1924, 1959) • Academism • in Kneza Miloša street

Ministry of Transport • 1931 • Neoclassicism • in Nemanjina street

Monument Gratitude to France // at Belgrade Fortress

Monument to the Victor • 1928 • at Belgrade Fortress

Monument to Desanka Maksimović • 2007 • in Tašmajdan Park

Monument to Njegoš // at Students' Plateau

Monument to Knez Mihailo // at Republic Square

Monument to Nikola Pašić // at Nikola Pašić sq.

Monument to Nadežda Petrović // at Pioneers' Park

Monument to the Battle of Kajmakčalan // at Pioneers' Park

Monument to Nikola Tesla // at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

Monument to Vuk Karadžić

Monument to Ivo Andrić

Monument to Cyril and Methodius

Museum of Ethnography • 1934 • 20th Century Modern • at Students' Square

Museum of Applied Art • 1929 • Academism • at Topličin Venac

Museum House of King Peter I Karadjordjevic • 1896 • Academism, Secession • Senjak District

Museum of Yugoslavia • 1962 • Corbusian • Dedinje District


National Assembly of Serbia • 1936 • Academism • at Nikola Pašić sq.

National Bank of Serbia • 1890 • Academism • in Kralja Petra street

National Museum of Serbia • 1903 • Neorenaissance • at Republic Square

National Theater • 1869 • Neorenaissance • at Republic Square

National Library • 1973 • Modern, Corbusian • at Vračar (St. Sava's) Plateau

New Palace (now Presidential Palace) • 1922 • Academism, Renaissance, Baroque • in Andrićev Venac (Pioneers' Park)

Nikola Tesla Museum • 1929 • Academism • at Krunska st.


Old Palace (now City Hall)

Officers' Club Building (now "SKC", abb. for Students Cultural Center) • 1895 • Romanticism • near Flower Square

Officers' Cooperative Building • 1908 • Art Nouveau, Secession


Palace "Riunione" • 1931 • Art Deco • at Republic Square

Palace "Albania" • 1938 • Pre-WWII Modernism • at Terazije

Palace "Athens" • 1902 • Neorenaissance • at Terazije

Palace "Anker" • 1899 • Academism • at Terazije

Palace "Kiki" // at Politika Square

Palace Serbia • 1959 • Concrete Monumentalism • in New Belgrade

Papakostopoulos House • 1907 • Academism, Secession • at Topličin Venac

Princess Ljubica's Residence (ser. "Konak Kneginje Ljubice") • 1830 • Balkan Profane style • at Kosančićev Venac

Prince Miloš' Residence (ser. "Konak Kneza Miloša") • 1831 • Oriental, Neoclassicism • in Topčider Park

Old "Prizad" Building (now Tanjug news agency) • 1939 • pre-WWI Totalitarian Modernistic • at Obilićev Venac


Rajićeva Shopping Center // in Knez Mihailova st.

Residential Villa at Krunska street • 1932 • Neorenaissance • in Krunska st.

Royal Garden // at Pioneers' Park

Russian House • 1933 • Neoclassicism • in Kraljice Natalije st.

"Russian Tzar" • 1926 • Academism, Secession • Knez Mihailova st.


Šafarik House • 1912 • Mixture of styles • at Krunska st.

Sahat Kula and Sahat Kapija (eng. "Clock Tower and Gate") // at Belgrade Fortress

Savčić House • 1926 • 19th Century Academism • in Kralja Milana street

Seismological Survey of Serbia • 1909 • at Tašmajdan Park

Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences • 1924 • Academism, Art Nouveau • in Knez Mihailova st.

Building of the old Serbian-American Bank • 1931 • Neoclassicism • in Kralja Milana street

Building of the Serbian Government • 1928 • Academism • in Nemanjina street

School of Electrical Engineering "Nikola Tesla" • 1929 • Serbo-Byzantine • in Kraljice Natalije st.

"Six Corporals" buildings • 1966 • Modern, Socialist • in New Belgrade

Building of the Society for Vračar Embellishment • 1902 • Academism, Secession • at Flower Square

"Sokol House" • 1936 • Serbo-Byzantine • near Slavija Square and Vračar Plateau

Spirta's House - Zemun Home Museum • 1855 • Gothic • in Zemun

"Štark" Arena • 2004 • Modern • in New Belgrade

Students' Home "King Alexander I" • 1928 • Academism • in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

Students' Polyclinic

Stamenković House • 1907 • Secession • in Kralja Petra street


Old Telephone Co. building • 1908 • Serbo-Byzantine • near Nikola Pašić sq.

"Television Sets" buildings • 1974 • Brutalism • in New Belgrade

Terazije Fountain • 1860

Terazije Terrace

"Toblerone" building • 1963 • Brutalism • at Karaburma

Tomb of Emperor Dušan // at St. Mark's Church

Tomb of Knez Mihailo // at Cathedral Church of St. Michael

Tomb of Vuk Karadžić // at Cathedral Church of St. Michael

Tower Buildings in Block 23 • 1974 • Brutalism • in New Belgrade

Old Town Hall • 1846 • Classicism, Romantism • at Students' Square

Building of the Old Trading Fund • 1939 • pre-WWII Modernism • near Flower Square

Turkish Embassy


University Library • 1926 • Academism • at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra

Uroš Predić Studio House • 1908 • Art Nouveau • in Svetogorska street

Ušće Towers • 1964 (first), 2019 (second) • Modern • in New Belgrade


Veterans' Club Building • 1931 • pre-WWII Modernism • at Republic Square

Old Vračar Savings Bank • 1906 • Academism, German Renaissance and Baroque • London Square

Vučo's House on the Sava River • 1908 • Art Nouveau • at Savamala

Vuk and Dositej Museum • 1739-89 • Balkan Profane style • Gospodar Jevremova st.


Yugoslav Drama Theater • 1931 • Academism, Modern • at Flower Square

Building of the Old Yugoslav Bank (now Hotel Centar No. 1) • 1923 • Academism • at Republic Square


Zindan Kapija (eng. "Zindan Gate") • at Belgrade Fortress

Kafana "Zlatna Moruna" (eng. "Old Golden Beluga bar")


A View on Belgrade

Bits&Pieces of Reality

  • November 2019
    • Pronounce it! (4637)

      So you see these weird signs and you wonder what's that all about? That's Cyrilic script, you...

  • October 2019
    • Masterpiece in pieces (4880)

      Sometimes a photo really cannot show a true magnitude of a venture, nor its beauty. So, I will not...

  • September 2019
    • Modern times (3188)

      Modern ways are here, and they are always here. At present. Sneaky, they are wrapping their claws...

    • Nature, foe of arts (3779)

      The trees don't appreciate art. In summer, at least. In autumn and winter they become architecture friendly....

  • July 2019
    • Raggedy crown's jewel (3344)

      Ever seen a woman (or a man, for that matter) and thought that even in rags she (or he) would look...

    • Hello, Borislav Pekić! (3270)

      If only Arsenije Njegovan could wake up now and see you sitting on the stairs at Flower square,...

  • June 2019
    • Architectural climate (4025)

      Richly ornamented Belgrade facades are often further decorated with air-conditioning devices, in...

Arts & Culture

Belgrade Tips

People holding banner Eyes on Belgrade